Feng Shui Bagua Map

Customized Personal Success Map
This is your Feng Shui "House Astrology" Natal Chart

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Learn the placement for the most valuable "Feng Shui Cures"

Essential Masterful Feng Shui Advice
At-a-glance Bagua Map combines the same 20+ years
of Result-Oriented, Feng Shui Solutions that
Jami Lin provides during an on-site or phone consultation

Customized to YOU & YOUR Home!

feng sui

If you are a Feng Shui beginner
or an expert...

Your Personal Bagua Map is YOUR exclusive resource to optimize your Feng Shui & Design


View a full-size sample:
Yours will still be prettier,
resolution reduced for web here

IMPORTANT: Popular Feng Shui misconceptions!

  • REAL Feng Shui is NOT a "one size fits all"

  • There is NOT one Feng Shui map generic to everyone’s home.

  • If you moved in your home between 1984 and 2048,
    there are 2,048 Bagua maps.

  • ONLY ONE BAGUA MAP is correct for YOU
    and Your Home.

YOUR Personal Success Map is
beneficial for as long as you occupy the property!!

Exclusively for You, in YOUR Personal Bagua Map...

1. You'll discover Your BEST Personal Directions

Feng Shui Bagua Map

Instead of living your life like a struggling salmon swimming up stream...

At-a-glance, your Personal Success Map easily provides your 4 best Sleeping & Sitting directions and areas for:
Wealth & Love
• Nurturing & Good Health
• Longevity & Harmony
And 4 WORST Feng Shui directions to AVOID!

Your 4 best energies are highlighted in Yellow to see them quickly too!

If there are other loved ones in your home, I show you exactly how to incorporate them in the Master's Recommendation E-booklet that comes with your Personal Success Map!

Then you'll...

2. Immediately Apply Directional, Bagua Life-Desires

In every room of your home there are energies that can improve your:

• Finances & Career
• Love & Relationships
Wealth Potential
• Spiritual Growth
• Family Harmony
• Fame & Money
• Relationships w/ Family & Friends
• and much more

Learn about all
9 Life-Desire energies
and how to enhance them!

feng shui bagua map

And most importantly...

3. Incorporate the Heaven Energy of Flying Stars

This is the most life-changing and influential layer of your Personal Success Map and of ALL Feng Shui Bagua Maps.

Based upon the year that you moved in and the direction your home is facing, each room has inherent and very influential energies.

In your Personal Success Bagua-Map, discover the Flying Star Feng Shui for each room and how to enhance them!

Bagua MAp

Deepen LOVE!
Do you have graciousness & ease in your bedroom or arguing & bickering?

Increased WEALTH!
Do you have great success and opportunity in your office or severed fate and bankruptcy?

Improved HEALTH!
Do you have family harmony & health in your kitchen or pain & sickness?

Would you like to know how to enhance or reduce these energies?

At-a-glance, discover if energy is for an Active or Quiet Room

feng shui energy Active Room(s) Entry, Living, Dining or Family

feng shui bedroom Quiet Room(s) Bedroom or Meditation Room

When you order YOUR Personal Success Bagua-Map....
You'll also be able to:

• Orient your Personal Success Map to your homes facing direction to easily identify each room in your home.

• At-a-glance see where each Natal energy is located and how to benefit with them.

• Learn which is the best room to use for each function (including which room is best for each child, office, and/or which room is best left as the guest room.)

• Discover the best way to layout your furniture.

• Determine which materials and colors to use on floors & walls.

• Learn which decorative materials and feng shui colors are best to use on major furniture pieces.

• Determine which materials, colors, and symbols are favorable for your art and accessories along with where to locate them.

• Take the mystery out of Feng Shui

• Integrate ALL Feng Shui aspects and personalized feng shui tips in one convenient map to for easy application.

• Maximize the Best Possible Feng Shui to design your home.

• Provide deeper understanding to enhance your design.

Combine all aspects of your Feng Shui together to make it easy to combine Yearly, Monthly and Daily Flying Star Energies for Maximum Results!

What would you expect to pay for this in-depth Masterful, long-term result Feng Shui?

Let me tell you how much it cost me...

feng shui teacher
I have paid over $300 a day for the same masterful training that I am providing you and that doesn't include airfare, hotel, or travel expense.

If I was teaching all of these secrets to you LIVE, you would pay $998 and spend 5 days in a classroom (as hundreds of my student have.)

I have paid over $250 an hour for private lessons with several Feng Shui masters.

I have even heard there is a four year School that costs over $1,000 per year...and even after 4 years you still don't know the Secrets of the Best Directions or Flying Stars...that's over $4,000! And you don't get the most Profound Feng Shui!

I am not kidding! Check it out ...Seriously!

I don't believe in charging an arm and a leg!

With more than 20 years of Feng Shui experience, I am sharing the most effective, result-oriented secrets in the most affordable and convenient way.

By making my Personal Success Map easy to understand and apply, it is my sincerest intention that you receive benefit for the rest of your life, and together we make a positive change in the world!

Thanks to computer wizardry, I am offering a "give-away" price
ONLY 1/3rd the price of one of my consultations

Remember your Personal Success Bagua-Map

  • Is ONE out of 2,048 Bagua maps and is customized to you and your home!

  • Is good for as long as you occupy your property!

  • Contains ALL essential, at-a-glance information Jami Lin provides during a Feng Shui consultation!

...and it is guaranteed or your money back! 

Flying star Feng Shui

I happily promise fast and easy Feng Shui decorating solutions for improving your life for the least amount of money possible. If this isn't the most affordable and comprehensive Feng Shui guidance, or if you are not satisfied for any reason, we will refund every penny of your money within the first 30 days.
No questions asked!

...and if an improved life with
the masterful aspects of Feng Shui isn't enough...

Here is a MEGA-BONUS!
Order Personal Success Map
right now, to receive...
Master Jami Lin's
20-page "Personal Success Map"
and Advanced Solutions E-booklet

Retail Value: $153
MEGA-BONUS #1 includes:
Details on how to enhance and activate each of your:

  • 9 Life-Desires with color, shape, and personal symbols
    (There are 18 more BONUS pages in this section too!)
  • 8 Personal Directions with which directions to sit and to sleep
  • 9 Flying Star Energies with color, shape, and personal symbols

MEGA-BONUS #2 includes:
Jami 's masterful solutions on the important details between:

  • Location and Direction significance
  • Sitting, Sleeping, and Standing considerations
  • Energies of quiet rooms (bedrooms) and active rooms (living, dinning, family rooms, kitchens, and offices)

MEGA-BONUS #3 includes:
You'll Discover:

  • How to enhance the most critical energy of all: your front door
  • How Feng Shui masters prioritize and compromise energies

MEGA-BONUS #4 includes:
20+ years of Jami Lin's experience tips such as...

  • Ideal examples of how to position your rooms and furnishings.
  • Tons of Decorative Suggestions
  • How to Maximize your Feng Shui with advanced "Macro & Micro" considerations

Bagua Map
View or print a full-size sample

Still not convinced that Jami Lin's Personal Success Map ...

•Includes finest, masterful,
Feng Shui information

•Is customized especially
to YOU & YOUR home!

•Is the most affordable, comprehensive, and convenient
do-it-yourself Feng Shui consultation

Why not?
Give Personal Success Map a try!

You have nothing to loose and Everything to Gain!

Reap the Results of GOOD Feng Shui Mastery
Apply the customized solutions found in your
Personal Success Map!

Create the Life YOU Want and Deserve

Can you afford to miss this CUSTOM Resource to
Start living YOUR Potential TODAY!

Click Pay Pal Button NOW! with your preferred option.
...or reap the Life-Enhancing Benefits of Feng Shui Mastery
in another way, schedule your phone or on-site consultation
starting at $153 ... and that's still a deal!
Remember, your do-it-yourself, step-by-step
Personal Success Map is half the price!

Click Pay Pal Button NOW! with your preferred option.


Master Special
"Home Astrology" Package




Personal Success Map

Expert Special

Personal Success Map

1-YR Mastery Membership
includes 12 Monthly and
365 Daily Success Maps

Personal Success Map
Personal & Yearly Maps
1-YR Mastery Membership

$326 Special $279
BOTH Success Maps
Personal & Yearly

$128 Special $108
Only $90

Order NOW in 100% Confidence with Pay Pal

Why so Cost-Effective (less than available anywhere else)
with so many Value-Added Lessons/Benefits?

Listen about
Personal Success Maps

audio testimonial

“Jami Lin's
Bagua Maps

are "must haves!"

Success Maps

are excellent tools
to achieve your
Feng Shui goals!”
4-1/2 star
About.com review

More testimonials here