Just move a few
existing items for

Simple SOULutions!


FREE Trial
Mastery Membership

for 1 month - cancel anytime!

Personal Success Maps + Master's Secrets

then, ONLY $19.98/monthy or Yearly Special

thru your experience!

Just access Your
Personal Success Maps

password in signup email!

If you don't take advantage of Jami Lin

Jami Lin's
56 years young
Feng Shui

"House Astrology"

YOU WILL Miss Out on...

Money & Love

Just move a few
existing items for

Simple SOULutions


The Time is NOW
to make a
to YOU!

Discover YOUR


FREE Trial
Feng Shui "House Astrology"
Mastery Membership

What is Feng Shui - House Astrology?

Here's what you'll get absolutely FREE:

...and I've NEVER offered this before, and it won't be FREE for long

...the information is just too Valuable
...actually, its PRICELESS!

Membership contains...

  1. House Astrology Master's Course
    9-lessons: secrets in my $2,800 Master's Course!!
  2. 30) Daily Success Maps
  3. 1) Monthly Success Map

  4. The least understood aspects of Feng Shui
    that many Feng Shui "experts" don't know...
    ...and should!

  5. ..then, Benefit with GREAT FENG SHUI EVERY MONTH
    at ONLY $19.98/monthy or
    Take advantage of Yearly Special & BONUSES!

...and provides CONSISTENT RESULTS, because
The secrets follow the perfect rhythms of nature

Monthly Success Map
get one Monthly Success Map FREE
retail value $27

ALL House Astrology and Mastery-Level Feng Shui!

By moving a few, small items every month, you stay current (present time) with the every-changing cycles and perfection of nature...

so your Feng Shui is also in present time ...which means,

YOU have the best Feng Shui possible RIGHT NOW!
in REAL Time!

In REAL Feng Shui and House Astrology,
every MONTH, there are 9 Monthly Energies
that move around each room of your home,
some good, some bad.

Monthly Success Maps tell you where to move a few table-top accessories each month to enhance good Monthly Energies and reduce bad ones! EASY!
Bagua Map

1. Look at YOUR Feng Shui / House Astrology on your
FREE Personalized Success Maps - observe your MONTH.


     When GOOD House Stars are present...
                                     Days are easy, GOOD things happen

    When BAD House Stars are present...
                                     There are obstacles and challenges

2. Move a few favorite accessories in your home (recommended in your FREE Personalized Success Maps) to:

    Make GOOD Star Energies better...
                      for more and greater opportunities

    Reduce BAD Star Energies...
                      to shrink (and possibly eliminate) challenges

SOULutions are that easy!
...You'll LOVE the consistent RESULTS

Discover good/bad Monthly Energies in each room to:
Deepen LOVE
in your Bedroom
Increase WEALTH
in your office
Improve HEALTH
in your kitchen


Graciousness & Ease


Arguing & Bickering?

is this the month to propose?

got anyone special?

is it a good time to look?


Great Success

and Opportunity


Severed Fate
and Bankruptcy?

is this a good month to
take calculated risks
or lay low?


Family Harmony
and Health


Pain & Sickness?

is this the month
to eat-out more often?

REAL Feng Shui REALLY WORKS -- when you put it to work!!

This will not be FREE for long --contains same secrets in my $2,800 Master's class!

House Astrology Master's Course: PRICELESS!
Contains the same secrets that I teach in my $2,800 Master's Course!!

Personally experience House Astrology and Flying Star Feng Shui
(the least understood of all Feng Shui aspects).

Jami Lin gently guides you to track the energies in your home that are in constant movement around your home.

With access to your Personalized Daily & Monthly Personal Success (Bagua) Maps, learn exactly where and when to move a few of your favorite accessories to deepen love, increase wealth, and strengthen vitality.

Table of Contents:

  1. House Astrology Quick Start
  2. Better & Better Days
  3. Creating Good Months
  4. Keys to the Kingdom
  5. Good Days within Good Months
  6. Deepening Results
  7. Think like a Master
  8. Energy in Motion
  9. Time Always Flies... You'll thank your Lucky Stars

Subscribe NOW for access FREE Feng Shui
Membership & Master's House Astrology Course

Here's a few excerpts...

I am gifting you my House Astrology program that includes the most valuable aspect of REAL Feng Shui (which many "experts" still do not know, and should)!

You also access to priceless Success Maps that are personalized to YOU and can make a beneficial difference in your every-day life.

Nature is consistent

Success Maps are calculated from mathematical formulas
derived from consistent patterns of nature.

House Astrology produces consistent RESULTS!

  • Job/Work is influenced by the energy in your office
  • Love/Intimacy relationships are influenced by your bedroom energy
  • Child(ren) and your relationship with them is influenced by their bedroom

In Feng Shui, as in life, the more concentrated the time period,
the more you are in the experience and have the potential
for observing a confined moment in time.

Just like in REAL life, in REAL Feng Shui, there are cycles within cycles.

Days cycle within each Month,
Months cycle within each Year,
and each Year, we get OLDER! (hahaha!)

Couldn't hold that one back...
but the obvious makes a very important sage-OLD Point:
(I did it again, hahaha!)

  1. Your Daily House Astrology choices influence Good Days
  2. Good Days cycling within
    Monthly House Astrology choices*

    influence Good Months
  3. Good Days cycling within Good Months,
    within Yearly House Astrology choices influence Good Years.

GOOD Years = a Happy and Successful Life!

...and I haven't even shared any secrets yet!

I LOVE Feng Shui!

I've made consistent RESULTS so EASY for YOU
with Personal Success Maps !

This will not be FREE for long --contains same secrets in my $2,800 Master's class!

Easy & Quick know-how for good Feng Shui every DAY!!

About “House Astrology!”

  • Similar to astrology, “Feng Shui house stars” change every DAY, month, and year. (more)

  • While astrology provides valuable information, (I believe)

Feng Shui / House Astrology is better because
you can move a few items and

Change YOUR Destiny!(more)

Pretty COOL, 'eh?

I've been applying my Personal Monthly Success Maps
for at least 15 years and will continue to
"Thank my Lucky Stars" for the rest of my life

REAL Feng Shui REALLY WORKS -- when you put it to work!!

This will not be FREE for long --contains same secrets in my $2,800 Master's class!

Daily Success Maps
get 30 Daily Success Maps FREE
retail value $27 x 30

In REAL Feng Shui and House Astrology, every DAY,
there are 9 Daily Energies that move
around each room of your home, some good, some bad.

Daily Success Maps provide insight on how each room is
going to influence your day

Spend time in the room to benefit with Success Energy or Stay out?

Select the right color to wear to absorb good energies or repel bad

So simple...

     When GOOD House Stars are present...
                                     Days are easy, GOOD things happen
 Make plans to "go for it!"

    When BAD House Stars are present...
                                     There are obstacles and challenges                                         Make plans to "chill out!"

Deepen your Plans!

Discover what good/bad Daily Energies in each room for:

Wealth & Success
in your your Office

Monday may have Great Energy,
so you’ll have excellent opportunity to “go for it"

Tuesday may have Arguing Energy, which indicates it is a good day to work on projects that don’t involve others

Wednesday may have Bankruptcy Energy, so it wouldn’t be the day to ask for a raise, it would be better to wait until

Thursday when Bright Future Energy flies in! 

Love & Health
in your Bedroom

Monday may have Great Energy,
so it would be a good day to spend extra time with your loved one.

Tuesday may have Arguing Energy, which indicates it is a good “yes dear” day.

Wednesday may have Sickness Energy, so it be better to save your strength and wait until

when Vitality Energy flies in to start your new exercise program!

REAL Feng Shui REALLY WORKS -- when you put it to work!!

This will not be FREE for long --contains same secrets in my $2,800 Master's class!