Master Feng Shui
Only $18 a lesson /week!

Feng Shui Mastery tips:
follow the links for..

Feng Shui TODAY!

Valuable REAL Estate

Clear Clutter

Combine Feng Shui furniture and placement,
in each Feng Shui room with your Feng Shui direction, Feng Shui colors, and Five Elements in masterful Feng Shui Design ways.

Locate your favorite items, art, and Feng Shui products in personalized Feng Shui Bagua Map areas which includes consistent results from House Astrology and Flying Star Feng Shui placement.

Apply the 5 Elements, the most-valuable "Feng Shui Cures" and your special Feng Shui number.

Have Good Feng Shui NOW, (not just with "good luck").

Use Priceless Forecasting, Space Clearing, and your Personal Chi!

Move a few Feng Shui symbols every Month and Year to maximize your Chinese Feng Shui TODAY!

Get it? NOW-Today!
Have GOOD Feng Shui

Day, Month & Year!

This is a comprehensive, Feng Shui Mastery lesson.
It was written to be read in its entirety, as I believe that it contains
more than what some Feng Shui consultants know!

Enjoy my videos and secrets I teach in my $2,800 class

Feng Shui Tips
What Feng Shui is Not

feng shui garden


What Feng Shui is NOT

  • Superstition: Indigenous people have been practicing some form of Feng Shui or "Earth Design" as long as man has sought shelter. Being conscious of natural law, native people would live on the south side of the mountain to stay warm in winter and on the north face to be cooler in summer. Chinese Feng Shui has been practiced for over 5,000 years.

  • Philosophy: The same way that scientists define the natural laws though physics, Feng Shui is rooted in those same mathematical formulas. The good news is that I give you the formulas for bottom-line, result-oriented solutions!

  • Religion or Spiritual Practice: Feng Shui is about you and your home being in harmony with Nature. You do not have to believe that Feng Shui works. Nature works! YOU are either working with Nature and have good Feng Shui or you are working against it: it's that simple.

    Is evolving your spirit a beneficial thing?
    Of course, and that's another discussion.

  • Intuition or Intention: (see Intuition & Intention)

  • One size fits all:
    Bagua Map

    There is not one generic
    Feng Shui Bagua Map
    (See Misconceptions)

    If you moved in your home
    between 1983-2023, there are over
    2,000 Bagua Maps.

    ONLY ONE is customized for you
    and your home.

    It's called your
    Personal Success Map

  • Feng Shui can hurt you: See Bad Feng Shui

  • Merely the placement of Feng Shui items in the Feng Shui corners: (See Misconceptions)

you won't find elsewhere!


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